About LB Jewelry Designs

"15% of each LB Jewelry Designs purchase will be donated to Hospice Charities in remembrance of my grandmothers and my beloved father who passed away in 2020." Laura Smith
Jewelry is a way of keeping memories alive. Ever since I was young girl, I’ve had an appreciation for jewelry. Blessed to have both sets of grandparents living in my hometown of San Antonio, I was very fortunate to spend much time with them. My grandmothers were always so kind to let me open their jewelry boxes and I would ask them about the dazzling pieces. As a curious girl, we would sit together as I questioned them about each piece. I wanted to know what was real or costume, what kind of gemstones, what were their favorites and why. Imagine my enjoyment as my eyes beheld such array of jewels!
My Scottish grandmother was kind, slow to speak and a well-educated woman whose preference was to invest in fewer pieces of fine jewelry. Her fondness for pearls was passed on to me, as well as her love for history. I learned the pearl itself is the only gem material formed in a living creature and only one in several million shellfish to yield a pearl. It is also my birthstone and she gifted me with my very first pearl ring on my 16th birthday. My Irish grandmother was sweet, friendly and everyone loved her pizazz! She wore the latest fashion, stylish jewelry and invested in fine pieces as well. They were no other pieces I loved more than her Opals because of the fiery displays of color that changed before my eyes as I held them up to the light. She explained how these beauties shined from within by refracting and bouncing light off the silica chips in each stone.Throughout the years, she gave me many of her Opal pieces and said, "I want to see you wear my Opals while I'm living to see you enjoy them, rather than after I am gone." My father was a very thoughtful man and enjoyed helping in the design of precious gemstones created into beautiful pieces for my mother. It gave him great joy to see her wear the special jewelry.
For many years, I had my own public relations company in Dallas, Texas, until my three sons were at such a busy stage I became a stay-at-home mom. During the time I was working, I had a wonderful and diverse client base. One of my clients was a well-known jeweler in town. When he hired me, I asked him if instead of paying me a monthly retainer, I could design my own jewelry. During that time, I was given the opportunity to design some of my own pieces which continued to fuel my enjoyment I had as a young girl. I am in a season of my life where I have the time to create classic and colorful jewelry which satisfies my creative nature. Some people desire the newest, trendy or designer wardrobe. I prefer jewelry and certain gemstones because it somehow keeps my childhood alive and memories shared with my parents and my grandmothers. Not everyone has been given this sweet gift of time with their parents and grandparents. I am abundantly blessed.